Friday, December 9, 2011

After so long

It's been so long already. Let's not talk about the past. I just changed my link back to cause the old custom domain expired. Unfortunately, of course. It's free anyway so nobody really gives a damn about it. 

Anyway, takkan want to write a so short post right? So to add up the spice, I'm heading to Sabah tomorrow. Going there with 14 of my friends, by aeroplane. Quite looking forward for it too...since it's the first time I'm travelling with friends to such a far place. Not bad ... not bad. We're all grown up already, some day we just gotta fly out from here. 

That's just about enough, I only update this because I don't want some newcomers to come and saw my freaking post about bra. I'm not that kind of person, ok? I have my reputation to take care of. Till then ciaoz

P.S. Thanks an and tsu ann for reminding me of the blog (xD)