Sunday, September 1, 2013


It has come to my final week in KL. Surely gonna miss it. 

It is good to be back at your own home, lying on your own bed, smelling your own stinky pillow and blanket. It is good to be back and hang out with old friends, old sports (hah, Gatsby!), blowing waters and talk about others whether its good or bad. 

Well, of course I did not just spend my holiday playing. I found a job right after I came back not long, a telemarketing job. It was a sales-kinda-thing which initially I thought I would never touch after my encounter with Courts Mammoth. Sales sucks, especially when the art of persuading comes in. I can't say I hate persuading people, but I rarely "begged" people into something. Well in the end I did what I didn't plan, and the results were spectacular. 

The job pay is good I'd say, like really good! *to not be exposed here cause salary are extremely EXTREMELY sensitive issue, trust me I've been through that before*. Job was rather easy, just sit infront of the computer and make sales call. But before that there was a training provided to prepare us the basic product knowledge and such. Still OK-lah. Colleagues were rather funny and friendly I would say, once you get to know them. Although there had been some office politics, I am still able to maneuver around safely. It gets even better when the "politician" was off the team and I was able to work more efficiently later. 

I learned a lot during the two months in the company. And they even provided a special communication training from INTI International College (cert was provided as well, how cool is that?!). All in all, it was really a good company with good boss and colleagues. I would surely love to go back and work as part time next semester break :). 

Post about work as requested (late abit, sorry ah) by my dear friend.