Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wishing is a Dilemma Process

Wishing is a Dilemma Process (4 minutes read)

Images credit from

Cakes with lighted candles in front of you, songs being sang, lights and fans off, standing in front of your friends. This situation seems familiar to you? You must have guessed it correct, yes, what I described earlier is a scene of a birthday celebration. Your birthday celebration.

About a month ago three months ago, I celebrated my birthday together with my friends at Padi House Sri Petaling. As usual, we had lighted candles on the cakes and birthday song sang by everyone. It is traditional to make wishes before you blow the candle so I made one. I was finding what to wish, only to decide that I wish to be able to pass the cadet programme this year (now that I've said it out, will it not come true?). I figure that that was the thing I want the most at the moment (besides all the superficial and vain stuff). After a while, I gave some thought on the ‘wishing’ process. What are wishes? Why do people wish?

People wish for something that is not possible to attain at the moment or something that is impossible to attain at all. That is why people wish. We wish for things that are out of our reach, out of our grasp because it is unlikely for us to have it. I wish to become a millionaire. I wish for a successful career. I wish to be respected. I wish to have a Victoria’s Secret model as my girlfriend. The fact that it is unlikely for us to achieve at the moment that we had to wish for it, only to hope that it will magically happen.

I wish to become a millionaire but I never save my money. I wish for a successful career but I never bother to improve myself. I wish to be respected but I go around and mock everyone. I wish to have a Victoria’s Secret model as my girlfriend but I do not go outside and approach people because I am scared. Things like this made me have to wish for something so that it will be presented to me by someone (maybe God?) like raindrops falling from the sky.

No, it will not happen. Wishing for something and yet you do not work for it equals to zero progress. It is a relatively simple equation. Action = Progress. You want something? Work for it. You want to be a millionaire? Start reading business and finance books, work your way up. You want to have a successful career? Build networks. You want to be respected? Volunteer for the society. You want to have a Victoria’s Secret model as your girlfriend? Be outspoken, courageous and ask her out. (FYI, I’m just making an example)

What I am trying to say is that one should not just wish for something and not do anything to make the wish happen. There is no such thing as being successful someone without working for it. It takes real hard work and perseverance to achieve something. Wishing for something to happen is real shithole. It makes us complacent, lazy and stupid. It makes us feel that we deserved it and when we do not; we whine and complain to the person around us, spreading the negativity.

The next time you are required to make a wish, don’t make one. Rather, build a goal for yourself. Make it achievable; and most important of all, work hard for it! Cause the moment you achieved something you wish for, it is the best feeling in the world.

Now, don’t you agree that wishing is a dilemma process? Should you wish or should you not?