Friday, July 10, 2015

Parking apps

Last year I discussed with my friends about this idea that I had in mind. It is a parking apps where you can get real time information about the parking space availability at shopping malls. How many of us drove into the parking lot only to round for fifteen minutes before parking? It is annoying and kind of a nuisance. Especially when you are in a rush. I was thinking something like paying through the apps so upon exit you just have to use your phone to checkout from the parking lot. Pretty easy, you don't even need to queue for the ticket machine.

Image by Vulcanpost

This team ParkEasy had done it. Their apps can find the spot and book it for you directly. Far more superior but requires more hardware to execute. It is a good idea and best of all it's developed by Malaysians! They are currently working on with the challenges and whatnot, but I hope to see it implemented soon! *Do click the link to read the post covered by Vulcanpost*

Actually I have started to do my own apps in January but that is just a minimal one that displays parking rates at certain shopping mall. Far from what I imagined due to my limitation of knowledge. I am not in IT so there is little exposure about apps developing. Somehow I feel that this ParkEasy is gonna be the next big thing because not only that it helps by reducing the time to find carpark, it also reduces the amount of fuel consumption. Imagine going in the parking lot and find your booked slot immediately, that is much efficient that driving around looking for an empty slot!

I am looking forward to seeing this soon, hopefully to be available in KL first (duh!).