Friday, March 27, 2009

Successful launch of Earth Hour flyers and Kha Joe party :D

The successful launch of Earth Hour 2009 was quite late, but we still manage to give flyers to every class ( except 3A ) but most of them doesn't have interest in it and doesn't look forward to turn their lights off. Pity for them :D The flyers were given on Thursday around 12.30 p.m. with the help of Kah Wai, Brian, Tzu Yee and Tsu Ann. Thanks for the help given although some of you maybe had other factor(s) affecting it. But, oh well, somebody had some other factor. I don't really care about it so much.

Today there are good news and bad news. Good news is, Kha Joe don't have to be ' thrown ' out from our school. Bad news is, we spent RM147.80 for our lunch. Quite expensive, huh? Since Brian is here, we don't really have to worry because if there are girls there, he will surely take out his heavy little 'purse'.

That's all for today =D

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