Monday, June 24, 2013


Haze, the haze! 

It had became an annual thing they said, the haze. Though I could not recall few years back that we had haze here in Malaysia. I remember once when I was still Standard 5 that we had terrible haze (possibly, same as current situation), schools had to close down for a few days. A happy kid I was and I was lazy and fat too. God! Who doesn't LOVE holidays?!  

Schools declared holiday for Johor, Melaka, KL and Selangor. I believe that working adults won't be getting any holidays and I don't know why. Probably because they are paid and companies think that it is utmost crucial that they attend to work rather than their health. Still, school teachers might get a few days off since their students won't be attending school. Privilege, I see, not entitlement. 

Anyway, be careful of the haze. Don't take the "clouds" lightly. They might blurred your vision and cause you an accident. But fingers crossed you won't.  

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