Monday, July 8, 2013


Just gonna be a little quick insight from me. 

What do you think about death? 

What do you think about dying young?

What do you think about dying young with wealth?

I have been thinking rather a lot recently about this. It's not that I want to commit suicide or something, but death is just a painful truth and life is a beautiful lie. Nothing is permanent in this world except change. Everything changes and you can do nothing to stop it. It is the part of life. 

Most people take death as a negative result, the termination of life. I personally think that if we looked at the bright/positive side, death isn't that bad after all. Death can stop the person from suffering if he is having a chronic disease. Death can be a gift from God to join him (not being a  Christian here, just superstitious). Death could be the termination of all the lies we have lived in for all the year we are alive. 

At some point of our lives, we will die. It isn't something that you can change. Not if you found the Elixir of Life. In every events of our lives we should take things positively and optimistically. Take failures as experiences and embrace your superiority. I constantly remind myself to accept other's critics (although I still struggle with this issue) and correct them. Take what is bad and turn it into good, throw it away if you can't. 

Remember that everything in life is temporary. So all your electrical gadgets, money, property and cars will disappear one day. What remains in life is family, friendships and memories. Don't lose yourself with apparel of wealth. You can't bring it into the coffin. The only thing you can bring into the coffin is your body and the cloth you are wearing. So please, life is too short. Go out there and build memories with your family and friends. In the end, they are the ones that will walk you through the funeral ceremony. 

Food for thought. Cheers fella. 

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