Sunday, March 9, 2014

[opinion] "Walking on a straight line"

Let's imagine the world is run by fools who set a rule that whoever that is able to walk a straight line successfully without falling or tripping over is considered a successful man. 

Great, now we as the ruled, will be brainwashed to try our best to walk a straight line. Those who can't, will be despised and those who do anything beyond the fools' rule will be considered inept. Parents will teach their kids to walk a straight line since at a young age and do countless things to aid them. That isn't wrong, because we all know that the parents' intention were to ensure that their kids will be successful and possibly try to be the same with the rest of the kids in the society. We as filial children will certainly do what our parents wished simply because sometimes we do not have a choice, and we know exactly what they want us to do, to walk a straight line. In other cases, it is because we can't make our own decision. 

If it isn't obvious enough, the example that I gave is what depicted in our current society. People who are able achieve excellence in studies (walking a straight line) are obviously smart (that's what we usually address them, true, but to what extent?) and we often regard them as someone who are superior than us. Those who think that they are not as good will have the mindset that they are dumb and stupid. True, you are right. You are probably dumb in studying in whatever you are studying right now. So instead of continuing to being dumb, dump whatever you are doing and try to find something you are good at. 

I happened to be someone who are able to walk a straight line quite well (I had mixed feelings when I write "quite well", people will often regard me as cocky of which most of the time I am, but not now). I honestly don't really feel that proud to boost on my results anymore cause I begin to realise that it no longer bring any sense of achievement. True that you need to excel well to get yourself a job and that is particularly why we all went into university anyway (90% of us, I'm afraid). But we are forgetting something here. Something crucial.......right! It is called SKILLS and EXPERIENCE.

To be able to talk and present well has always been one of the skills I wish to obtained later in my life. I would want to give speeches and talks to all around the world, possibly giving info and motivating the younglings. Good presenters are able to persuade people, change people's mindset, insert good humour at a right time and in extreme cases, would change a person's life entirely. 

Every now and then, we will need people to enlighten our mind. We need people to broaden our mind. We need people to put us into a critical thinking moment. That is how amazing a good presenter could do. I have once came across a talk by Michael Teoh, the talk's topic was "Youth To Market". He talks about how youth are useful to market, or something like that, I totally forgotten the content. He can talk very fluent in both Bahasa Malaysia and English. He can even joke in Bahasa Malaysia. Hats off for this guy right there. But that's basically what he do for a living, motivating people. 

Let's not get derailed, LOL and get back into topic. Experience is important too. Hands on experience and real time experience is crucial. There is a Chinese proverb saying;

"Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand."

The key here is that we need to be involved in something to have a first hand experience on something to fully understand it. What is the use of learning thousands of theories but you can't apply them later on in life? It is fucking redundant. 

What I'm trying to say here is that, studies are only a small part in life. Getting yourself equipped with necessary skills and experience is the only way to be successful. 

Disclaimer : This post only reflects the author's opinion. You may or may not absorb it into your brain.  I will not hold any responsible for your grades dropped or marks lost in your studies. 

P.S. I stopped midway on this post. Sorry for the lack of photos. 

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