Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Adventure of Little Yeong

I was preparing to head back home on Friday. I had so slightly prepared my luggage for the things that will be brought back home. I was very excited and eager to go back, and then there was where things go awry. 

I'm not too sure where to begin but I will just start my story on Thursday. 

This incident happened between Thursday night to Friday night (12th June 2014 to 13th June 2014).

I was supposed to hand in my thesis on Friday of which I only received it via poslaju today. However, this is where the first problem come by. My supervisor messaged us via Facebook Messenger and told me that his wife is going to deliver their second baby and currently is at the hospital. And obviously he will not be at university on Friday as he will need to accompany his wife and of course the newborn. I don't blame him on this. I guess God just like to play a fool out of us (or actually in my story, the God wanted me to learn a valuable lesson, read on). So first plan failed. He asked me to contact him back tomorrow to check whether we can arrange a meeting at Kuantan to hand him the thesis. I agreed and didn't really want to disturb him any more cause his wife is delivering his second baby, that is some serious deal... right?

And so the next morning, I checked with him and he asked me to pass my thesis and project to one of my friend, Nazri who is also under his supervision for the final year project subject. Of course, I had to agree cause I don't really have any options in hand. Either way, I need to head to the university to check out my hostel, take the thesis submission form and pass my thesis to my friend. Now here comes the second problem. When I was about to go to the hostel office to submit the checkout form, the door was locked. Stunned for a while and then I saw there was a notice paper pasted on the door telling that the staffs have gone to the main campus for a meeting and only will resume work after 2.45pm. Just great! And so I have left with no options but to pass my set of key and form to my another friend, Edward. My friend and I then went to Nazri's room and passed him my thesis and project. Chatted a while and we're off. 

Another friend, Daren came and hand in his thesis to the faculty. He was going to fetch me to the terminal at Kuantan. But we stop by at McDonald's to grab our lunch. My wallet left RM21 at that time. After spending RM10 on my lunch, I only have RM11 left. No biggie. I thought that there will be ATM machines at the terminal or if there isn't any ATM machine, I could have just bought the tickets online through my phone. Hey, it's a smartphone after all isn't it? I was so wrong. 

My friend dropped me at the terminal and the first thing I did was to find the ATM machines. Unfortunately, there was none. And then I moved along to plan B, I took my phone out and check the tickets. I couldn't purchase any of the tickets, not a single one. Tickets need to be purchased online at least six hours before departure. I literally freaked out silently. I was lost, totally lost. I went up and down, left and right of the terminal thinking of a solution. I asked the counter to check whether they accept debit cards or not, but unfortunately they don't. I tried approaching the taxi stand and asked the driver where is the nearest ATM machine, they said its just nearby and the fare is RM20. I was bloody shocked and I asked him back, isn't it near you said? And he replied, "it's policy". Fuck policy, I'm out of here. You can cut my throat next time. I walked toward the entrance again, hoping to see other alternative. I tried looking for any person that I know, hopefully from UMP but no luck on that. I came up with another idea afterwards. I went to the road entrance of the terminal and tried to find other taxis that probably will use meter. One taxi drove into the terminal and I chased it. After he dropped his passengers, I asked him whether he can drive me to the nearest ATM. He asked me to wait him at the taxi stand, and that's when I know I will be cut throat for RM20 again. I didn't go back there. 

I knew that there was only one option that I can choose and it will be a hard one, which is to walk towards the nearby ATM machine at a Petronas fuel station. I took the first step out of the terminal and goes to Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) to inquire the guard if by any chance there is an ATM machine in the building. You might have guessed it, he said there was none and the nearest would be at Petronas. I thanked him for the information and continued walking with my humongous luggage bag, one messenger bag and a laptop bag. I stumbled across another Tamil school. I asked the guard and he was relatively friendly. He showed me the way to the ATM machine and he said I'm near already. Well, frankly speaking if I were driving a car it will be less than a minute's ride. But never mind. I thanked him and headed to the direction he showed me. There were uphill and downhill and I started to wear out. It was around 2pm and the sun showed no mercy. 

When I reached at the junction the second guard told me about, I was taken aback. There was no sign of any fuel station at the end of the right junction. I didn't continue down the road. Coincidently there was another school at the junction, so I went in to inquire the female guard. As I went in, there was a Kancil that stopped at the road. A lady opened her door and asked, "Dik, pergi mana?" (Where are you going?). I asked whether she was a Chinese and she said yes. I said I was going to the nearest ATM machine and she nodded and smiled. When I wanted to ask another question she had already closed her door. I then turned back toward the guard post and ask the female guard. She greeted me with a smile and I asked her where is the so called Petronas. She said just down the junction. I thanked her and then proceeded with going downhill of the right junction. The thing with going downhill is that, you will need to climb it back up later. Sucks. 

When I reached the end of the junction, there was two route. One to the left and one to the right. I I chose the right one and I saw a Fire Department. I was thinking, wow, won't it be great if they could provide me a lift. I mean, their name is "Bomba & Penyelamat" (Fireman and Resue? idk) right? They would really save me if they could provide me a ride with one of their vans... and that is when I saw the fuel station was actually on my LEFT! I knew this would happen but I just switched to the other side. I crossed the road with mild traffic. Finally, I reached the Petronas fuel station. I stopped outside of the shop and wiped my sweats with my shirt. There is a sense of achievement to this. I actually encouraged myself en route that if I want to go back, I need to do this. I keep telling myself to be strong. There is no one that will help you to get what you want. When there is no one to help you, there is only you. 

"There is no one that will help you to get what you want. When there is no one to help you, there is only you."

I went inside the shop and saw both Maybank and CIMB bank ATMs. I couldn't be bothered to even wait for the queue for Maybank ATM and I withdrew my cash at the CIMB ATM. Charged me RM1, but I couldn't care less for it. I am exhausted and time constrained. I want to take the bus at 330pm. I went out, wiped my sweats again and braced myself. I crossed the mild traffic road again and went uphill of the previous junction. It was hard, dragging the bloody luggage with at least 50-60kg in it. I managed to get through the uphill junction and passed the school with the female guard. I thanked her and continued to walk on. I walked a little bit more and then an Estima stopped beside me. I was saved and was as happy as a clam. A Malay man, probably in his late thirties with his songkok on, most likely just finished his Friday prayers asked me where I am going. I said I am going to the terminal and he offered me a ride. Of course, I immediately accepted. I put the luggage to the back of his car and sat at the front seat beside the driver. I talked about what happened and he was astonished as to the absence of ATM machines in the terminal. He said that his family was heading towards the terminal too. Within a minute, we reached.   

I thanked him few times as I couldn't appreciate more of what he did to me. I asked for his name and he was actually Mr Shukri (or so as it pronounces). I thanked him again with his name addressed and then walked toward the ticketing counter. I looked back and waved goodbye to him and he showed a thumbs up. So did I then. I couldn't feel more alive at that moment. Somehow I can already feel that someone will offer me a ride back to the terminal. After all, Kuantan people are relatively friendly and less materialistic compared to KL people. And to be very honest, I could have guessed that it will be a Malay that will offer me a ride. Not to show off my prediction skill but I have a good perception of Malays actually. Educated ones, of course. They are much more generous and focus more on giving than to expect a return. I think it is mostly due to the Islamic teachings that they have. 

I bought my tickets for 330pm bus back to KL and then I went downstairs to the waiting room. I was exhausted and thirsty so I went to a shop and bought a Revive soft drink. Even the boss can quickly see there was something unusual of my then current state. I was sweating all over and my shirt seemed like I was walking under a rain. He asked me what happened and offered me a box of tissue. "Take it all that you need, don't worry". I told him what happened and then I thanked him for the tissue and proceed to the waiting room. I sat down and finally it ended. So much trouble for the bus ticket. It wouldn't be like this if I hadn't be so stupid and dependent on the online ticket and ATM machine. But anyhow, I learned my lesson the hard way. I came back home safely. 

On a side note, it was Friday the 13th and I will remember this incident forever. 

Came back home, unpacked my luggage and unconsciously returned a bag of 50 cents coins to my mom of which she gave me last semester for the water vending machine. I went back to my room and then I came out later again and my mom asked me, "you never thought of using this money ah?" 

---------------------------------------------------------THE END----------------------------------------------------------


Tsu Ann said...

"you never thought of using this money ah?"


Unknown said...
