Sunday, August 3, 2014

Facts About Buffets

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Buffets should be no stranger to everyone by now. According to Wikipedia, buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners generally serve themselves. And to us it simply means free flow of foods; meats, sushi, oysters, seafood and endless of desserts (girls, enjoice). 

When I was young (I am still young, just... when I'm 15 or something), I like to eat buffets. I can eat whatever they have with the amount I want. Some buffet restaurants are considerably cheap but still provide tasty delicacies like lamb and seafood. It would be an eating spree for my family and I whenever we visit a buffet restaurant. However, as time passes, I have a different approach on buffets. I begin to realise that buffets aren't that healthy and most have practiced the wrong way of eating buffets. 

1. Excessive Eating

Eating excessively will lead to indigestion which actually damages your digestive system. Imagine all those wasted undigested food you ate and it will come right out your anus in a way that the nutrients are not absorbed into your body. You tend to eat as much as you can because you think that you have paid more than what you should to be there. Therefore you will want to stuff everything into your tiny stomach. 

2. Food Wastage

I believe that you had saw the sign where "every 100g wasted will be fined RM5" is stated. Oh boy, oh boy, that didn't stop people from wasting food. Some people who took the wrong food ,e.g. not the one they like, will simply mix those food up with leftovers like prawn shells, tissues and bones and treat it like garbage. This is from the customer side. What happens to the food that is unfinished? How do the shop handles if the food begin to rot? The answers should be found in the rubbish bin. If they do not throw it away, this brings us to #3.

3. Stale/Unfresh Foods

How often do you encounter stale oysters on the platter? Seafood, sushi and uncooked meats (for steamboat/BBQ buffets) can't keep for a long time so what happens when the business plummet? You can even bet that cooked foods cannot be left for too long (max one day, but would they serve customers overnight foods? Go figure, else refer back to #2). 

4. Expensive

Needless to say buffets are generally expensive. Probably RM10-20 more expensive than your usual meal outside. Averagely, a buffet meal for one person should cost RM40. How many sashimi or how many kg of meat you have to eat only you are able to hit the goal? Dreams on, baby! 

5. Diet

Since you are basically a wolf when it comes to buffet, no one would really care how much they eat till they weight themselves. You will gain few extra pounds/kilograms the day after you had your buffet. For some, that few extra is very significant. 

However, don't reject buffets entirely. Just remember to eat moderately and never you should stuff more than your stomach and intestine can handle. They are your companion for life, take care of it! Forget the price and try to enjoy the atmosphere with your family and friends. It is definitely fun to have a steamboat/BBQ buffet with your pals while chitchatting. 

Personally, I like to eat ice creams at buffets. They are the one that I crave the most. In my opinion, the restaurant which serves the best ice creams are the one that should deserve a thumbs up (I like mint chocolate). Breakfast buffets are something that I adore too. Croissants with a bowl of hot chicken porridge is simply amazing. I believe that breakfast buffets are definitely healthier than dinner buffets as breakfast aims to provide you energy to start up the day! Not that you can eat A LOT in the morning too. Plus its relatively cheaper too. 

This post only reflects my own opinion, and in a way to remind myself to do what I wrote in the posts. Shall you have opinion, be it concur to mine or not, do leave a comment. Let's have a healthy discussion.

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