Thursday, June 11, 2009

Clon's Post

Well well well, holidays' finally going to be over. Time had passed so fast. It's time to face the reality again. Knowing how "pretty" my result is, I'm quite ready to be shuffled to Setia. This mid term test had really ruined a lot of people's life. Despite my marks on KH, I don't think it could cover up my BM, BI and also Geografi. What is destined, is destined. What has been decided, was decided. I can't do anything about it. There maybe some arguments and misunderstanding between us, but there's only arguments and misunderstanding because we cared about you. We're still small, physically and mentally. So there's a lot of things for us to learn and experience. From time to time, I've seen a lot of "incidents" which brought my mind up. I kept thinking and thinking, what should I do. But finally, I realised that I was wrong from the start. Decagon, I suppose.

Perhaps my holiday was spent too much on my computer, my motherboard seem to encounter failure. Not quite sure if it is my motherboard or any other hardware's but I think I'm going to take it to PC store and fix it. The cause of it most probably because my pc fell down. The motherboard could be cracked, or any hardware's connection loosen. Yesterday I had two times Blue Screen of Death in an hour. This might categorized as critical stake .

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