Saturday, June 27, 2009

Clon's post

Sorry for the long wait for my update. Didn't get any thing to update just yet although there are still some unrevealed pictures in my phone. First of all, congratulations to those who came up wawasan and thank god no chinese dropped from wawasan to lower classes. As for today, Hari Bicara Akademik. I didn't get the chance to take my camera with me this morning. So there are no photos but I'm afraid there are some in lik hui's camera. A few gay photos and yong sui photos.

It's gonna be a struggling battle for us now. It's already June, and it's going to July. Three more months and we will be having our PMR, as awaited for three years. Well, today I drove for my first time. Didn't get too well when there's a lorry moving infront of me. Got panicked and BAMP! hit the divider. Luckily the front bumper only scratch a little. Hehe. Truthfully, driving is full of COMPLICATENESS ( you can't find this word in any dictionary except mine ). My mom say my face was pale white when I got back. Haha. Rough ride.

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