Monday, August 31, 2009

Chapter 3 : The Truth

Dimitri keep on sweeping his sweats on his forehead. He looked around, left and right, but nothing suspicious can he see. Everyone was sleeping on their own, some were snoring, some were scratching their back. Dimitri turned off his table lamp. He started to get some sleep even though he know that he felt something. He then, felt asleep. Peacefully – untouched.

The next morning, Dimitri was going to be discharged from the hospital. When he woke up, he realized that the book borrowed from his neighbour was gone. “ Sorry, pal. But the book I borrowed from you was gone!! I remember that I left it on my table but this morning I didn't saw it anywhere on my table. “ explained Dimitri. “ It's okay. I know that you are not telling lies. Maybe someday me or you will find the book again, hopefully. “ said the man. Jenna, Peter, Kelly and David went to visit him to see if their helps are needed. “ So how was your night? Do you find it pretty “SURPRISING”? “ said Kelly. “ Hahaha, in fact I did. And I almost wet my pants “ said Dimitri. Everyone was entertained with Dimtiri's joke. David and Jenna packed Dimitri's stuff while Peter was helping Dimitri settling the bills. Kelly was chatting with Dimitri. “ How are you now? Comfortable? “ asked Kelly. “ Yeah, after wearing my shirts back. Hospital outfits seriously sucks. “ said Dimitri. “ So what really happened last night? You're not joking aren't you? I saw your face was a bit pale this morning . “ said Kelly. “ Well.... To tell you the truth, last night …. “ “ Hey! We are done packing your stuffs here, Dimitri!” said David. “ Oh okay. I think we'll talk later, alright Kelly? “ said Dimitri. “ Sure, I'm worried about you. “ said Kelly. After Peter done settling the hospital bills, all of them finally get out from the hospital. In Dimitri's mind, he was still thinking about the woman.

All of them had breakfast in somewhere around Ampang. They arrived in a Dim Sum restaurant and grabbed a sit. Everyone start ordering their own favourites.

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