Sunday, December 6, 2009

Random story

Xander just came out from his tuition center. Every night he had tuition class till up late night. Past 11 o'clock. It's no surprise since he was one of the most intelligent students in school. But this time, his tuition class got delayed and finished at 12. Even so, it didn't worried him much because he lived alone in his own apartment. As usual, he walked through the park because it's the shortest way from the tuition center to his apartment. But apparently, today the park seem to be closed due to some renovation is in progress. He had no choice but to walk the back alley. Wearing a school uniform, carrying a bag and licking his lollipop, made him a simple target for snatchers to take advantage. When he finally reach the back alley, he saw two man standing by, with a knife. The two man walked towards Xander and hurls the knife to his artery at his neck. He was forced. Suddenly, a girl appeared. This girl wore black dress, black boots and long black silk socks. A terrible aura suddenly felt around the girl.

The girl called the two men to go away and leave him alone, but her advice was not taken. The two men tried to attack the girl too but was ambushed instead. Then, both of them ran away. " Thanks for your help " said Xander. The girl came up close to Xander and ask, " Aren't you afraid of me? ". " Why should I? You saved my life. " said Xander. The girl walked away through the alley and disappear soon after bit by bit. She gave Xander a big impression. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Every night after his tuition, he stayed up late near the tuition center till almost 12 and walk to the back alley path. But not once he saw her. One night, after his Physics tuition class he wanted to try the last time to walk the back alley again to meet the girl once more. When he went there, no one to be seen. He was very disappointed and walked through the back alley. Suddenly at the end of the alley, a voice was heard. " Are you looking for me? " said the girl. " Uhh, yeah... I wanted to ask you out to repay you..." , " No need! " the girl suddenly raise her voice and cut Xander sentence off. She turned her back on him and walked away.

Xander didn't gave up. Everyday he wait and walked the same way again. Sometimes, he meet the girl and chat about his life a while. Sometimes he didn't saw her and went straight back home. They begin to stick close to each other. One night, when both of them were chatting, Xander was wondering why she never said anything about her life. It's always been Xander who talks about his life. So he asked her. " Why you never told me anything about your life? " asked Xander. " I have no life. " said the girl. She ignored him a while. " It's quite late now. I think I have to go now. " said Xander. She nodded her head and Xander went away. When Xander look back, she is no where to be found.

Time passes too fast. It's Xander's last tuition lesson. He was very happy, yet frustrating because he no longer can walk that alley again. He went to see her, in a no mood condition. " What happened? " asked the girl with a caring voice. " I can't see you anymore. My tuition classes already finished. " said Xander. " I have a secret to tell you. This will be my last day seeing you... I had to go ... " said the girl sadly. " But... why? " Xander asked with full curiosity. " I am .... " suddenly a ray of light appeared on the girl. She was flying up towards the light and said. " I am a ghost. " He couldn't say anything but watch her to float up in the air. He was almost paralyzed. Suddenly, the light gone and she disappeared. Xander was speechless. The next day, he was on a holiday. He wanted to find his friend to discuss about this matter but his friend house was on the far east. He had to take the train. When he reached the LRT station, he saw a girl's back seem so much like the girl in the back alley. He tried to reach for her shoulder and suddenly disappeared! He felt down into the track. Suddenly he saw the girl infront of him. " I am Elaine. I died two years ago in the back alley, murdered by a bunch of snatchers. I could not be resurrected because no one came to visit me. I must exchange a human's life in order for my resurrection and the human is you. I had a feeling for you, but it's impossible for us to be together. And now, I'm sorry but you have to die. " said the girl. Suddenly, a hon from the train was heard. The train crushes Xander to pieces and the girl's soul disappeared. end of story.

A word or two from the author,
this story was inspired by me from a magazine i read few years ago. I somehow remembered it today and had to write it. The story maybe vary from the one from the magazine ( if some of you might read it before ). Enjoy!

P.S Sorry for the long and dragging story

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