Friday, March 5, 2010

Clon's Post

Today was a pretty interesting day, sad for those who didn't came to school. There was a lecture about the relationship between both sex, male and female. Though it was a interesting topic, the teacher didn't manage to expand the topic till the max! She skip quite a lot without further explanation to avoid "flaming" from the students. There is something I would like to clarify. Boys don't scold girls. I mean myself, I don't scold girls, more or less XD. We just like to tease them. It's a hobby of us, no matter where you will see boys teasing girls, kacau girls and so on.

Another case is, you keep scolding one girl, you hate her so much, you want to smash her so much, you end up spending your whole life with her. Ironic right? It's all about FATE.

Anyway, next week Wednesday is exam. Hope everyone pass with flying colours XD!

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