Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Clon's Post

Having tough time forgetting my holiday feelings. Everyday can sleep late at night and woke up late in the morning. Now I have to sleep early and wake up even early. But the best thing is, I get to go to school =). No more bored feelings at home now! Wahahaha.

Today is Tzu Yee's birthday, so I would like to take this opportunity to once again say Happy Birthday to you since it's still 24th March. Have a great time ( I know you did! ).

My marks so far, not too good not too bad. For me it's still fine. Just have to study harder next time! Since it's Form 4 this year, I might give a little more effort than last year. The fact is, form 4 is the time we get to learn new things! Hahaha!

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