Saturday, January 18, 2014

Don't get too attached to things

Don't get attached to things. That is what Ivan Vanko from Iron Man 2 said, of which the role is played by Mickey Rourke. You might remember him better from The Expendables? The guy that tattooed Rambo. Anyway that is not the reason for this post. 

Last week I have been to Singapore and I would really say the trip changed few of my perspective. Travelling alone does have it's merits, combined with the advice of an old friend. One of the things she told me is that she would not get attached to things, especially in love matters. Don't drag mud with water, she said. In Chinese it is 拖泥带水. It simply means that one should end things well and not leave any marks behind. Like, flirting around with your ex-boyfriend. In some way it also means procrastinating. Mind that making clear grounds doesn't mean you should isolate your ex-boyfriend/lover entirely, you can be friends too!

That enlighten me. You should have clear grounds of what to do and how to act. Dragging mud with water won't help anyone and instead it might just hurt someone else (if not yourself). NOT GOOD! I thought a lot during the trip and after the trip. I should do something, like making clear indications of my ground. 

This is just one of the few things that I thought would be useful so I wrote it down here. If anyone would see, yeah, you, hope it may enlighten you as how my friend enlighten me! 

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