Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tesla Model S - Table Changer in the Electric Automotive Industry

I believe that this car deserved to be known. I am not saying that it is an unpopular car (at least not in North America). I really believe that this car will turn the table around in the electric automotive industry. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the Tesla Model S. 

Quite a stunning beauty, no? You don't really need to be a car enthusiast to praise a car's beauty, or unless you are a girl who literally cares nothing about a car (other than the fact it rolls and has an automatic gear). 

The Model S first caught my attention when I was.... urhh no I don't remember but it was a "love at first sight". I was amazed, stunned, astonished and dumbfounded (perhaps a little over exaggerated but you get the point). She has an amazing aerodynamic shape which really made her look extremely sleek and quick. She runs by using electric power (which means no emission of dangerous gases, note the absence of the exhaust pipe @ the back?). 

She has a 17" touch screen with internet connectivity which is basically the main control centre for the car. My friend initially thought that I liked the car because of the touch screen, meh!

She has a computer screen as the dashboard too (which shows speedometer, power consumption/regeneration level, media, calls and other stuff). 

where did the engine gone too?!?!

I'm sure by now you should realized that electric cars don't run on the traditional engine that is in your dad's Myvi, simply because they do not need the carburettors, radiators (the one that cools the engine) and what not to run the car. Absence of the parts make up for additional space for the ladies to shop for groceries and clothes. 

This is the base of the Model S, and this is really all that moves the Model S. Note the silver plate, it is actually the battery that powers the Model S. 

Bad news is, it's really only available in the North America, Europe, China and Japan. There are no news that it will be available in Malaysia any time soon and even if there are, handling the charging stations here will be a headache. Oh, did you forgot that electric cars need to be charged as well? Tesla built supercharging stations around the state in NA so that the Model S owners will be able to recharge their battery. It is free for now, not too sure in the future but it runs on solar energy anyway which is super green to our environment.  

Interested? Click here to find out more about the beauty! 

the fact that even the logo is cantik, no wonder their cars are so nice!

If there are chances, I would really like to own her smiliesmiliesmilie

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