Saturday, April 5, 2014

Specifi... what?

It's specificity. Thanks Arthur, for pointing it out to Eames and the rest of the readers. FYI, the sleek guy one the right is Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and the casual man on the left is Eames (Tom Hardy). You might recall Eames being Bane in the Batman trilogy... or not. Well, he did covered most of his face anyway. 

Back to the topic.

When we were small, teachers would ask; "What is your ambition? What would you like to do when you are an adult? What are your dreams?". And courageously and unknowingly we would answer; "PILOT! DOCTOR! POLICE! LAWYER!" and so on so forth. It was simple. As simple as ABC.

As we grow older, things start to change. Teaches now, asking the same questions would require us to answer differently. If you reply with the same answer as you did when you were small, you are not being specific. "Which airline of pilot you want to be? What position? What field you want to specialize in?". Questions like this requires us to think deeper and in some way, it is a trick to show how committed are we in pursuing our ambition. If you couldn't answer the questions, obviously you are talking shit about your ambition. And, don't talk shit.

It might be pretty obvious to you, but it wasn't to me till I entered university. Everything requires specificity. You might think it only applies to the engineering disciplinary, but you are wrong. Every profession requires specificity. It defines something with great detail and to show how much of understanding you have towards the same thing. If I were to take an engineering example, we need to define which type of material to use for constructing a beam. If steel, which steel? Low carbon? High carbon? Its percentage? If aluminium, is it alloyed or pure aluminium? If alloyed, what composition of materials inside the alloyed aluminium? 

Get what I'm trying to say?

You can try to be a little more specific in what you say next time. Your friend definitely would appreciate that. Though, please, keep it short and concise. Nobody want to hear what you have to say if you are being too damn specific in a simple conversation. You are making yourself seem to be giving a 6-hours long speech. =|

This post only reflects my own opinion, and in a way to remind myself to do what I wrote in the posts. Shall you have opinion, be it concur to mine or not, do leave a comment. That way we' all learn!

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