Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What do we fear most in life?

Do you know what do people fear most in life? It is not as obvious as the fear of disgusting insects or the fear of a poisonous spider. Rather subtle, what most of us fear most. We feel reluctant when we face this fear, which is much different from the usual fear we encounter. Which is also why this fear is unique, a life changer, if you managed to overcome it.

The fear is none other than;

Spot on. Change. 

Human are generally afraid of changes. I can guess why some older generation feel reluctant when you hand them your smartphone, or why do they have the same sort of behavior towards new technology. Same goes to teenagers, why do they always stick with what they do, or why they always stick with the same type of working style. I can only conclude that we are generally afraid of change. 

There is one quote I remember, though probably not the full one but the meaning is there. 

"There is nothing constant in life, the only thing that is constant is change."

Change is constantly there, or in other words, there will always be change. We can try to deny it, we can try to ignore it, or we can learn and embrace it in a positive way. No one really likes changes (I could only think of entrepreneurs when it comes to favour changes). We like to dwell in our own sweet and comfortable way. Most people force change upon them, but it's good if you can take it optimistically. Heck, we can even improve ourselves that way.  

Entrepreneurs often like changes because they have their own perspective of change. They see it as a new way to challenge themselves, a way to gain knowledge and improve themselves. This is a trait that we should really follow, if we want to chase success. A change of environment will train our adaptability. A change of a group of friends allow us to network to different people. A change of appetite would probably result in a very bad diarrhoea, but it's ok, you will know what food to avoid next time you are somewhere in Vietnam (random fact). 

What I am trying to propose here to you is that change is not always bad. It's only that we see it in an inverted way. A little change in perspective would change how you look at the world. Learning is a continuous process, and so does change. It never stops. 

This post only reflects my own opinion, and in a way to remind myself to do what I wrote in the posts. Shall you have opinion, be it concur to mine or not, do leave a comment. That way we' all learn!

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