Sunday, October 19, 2014


This was the photo of one of the few stray dogs that came to my home last time. He was just a baby, probably about one or two months old and they were very playful. I remember he came to us with his another friend, a white dog who I think is actually his brother (or sister, to be honest I can't remember their gender already). They would always play together and sleep side by side under the rack outside. I only get to play with them a few times before heading back to my university to continue my semester as I was only having a short holiday.

I came back few weeks after and I never saw them again. 

Apparently my mom said someone took them away and gave them a real home (we only fed them whenever we had dinner leftovers, no real shelter). I don't really know how are they now but I hope that the owner would treat them with the best love. Really, that is all you can do sometimes; hoping

Appreciate everything that you have today. You will never know when things could be taken away from you. 

Thank you for everything. 

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