Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today, I kinda learned a new lesson. Never say Fuck you in front of PUAN Thong. I would admit it, but I am surprised to hear what's the punishment, XD! To say the truth, it's not the first time I've said Fuck or any other bad words out loud in front of teachers. I'm so lazy to go any tuition classes or even study. Just can't get my heads straight. It was raining heavily at Pantai Cheras Hospital just now. The big longkang ( the width is almost two cars and the height is about times two of me ) near the hospital was flooded. My mother's car almost kena air, but luckily she drove the car to somewhere else. Doctor claimed that my ears was infected, most likely because of sweat. Urea do cause you big troubles sometime. He gave me some medicine and cream to apply. His face was 40% like Mr.Bean and 60% like my grandfather, but he's a INDIAN!

Exam is just right around the corner, again. Wouldn't you hate examinations? I mean, if it's just a normal one, fine, I can deal with it. But please don't stress me with the shuffling. Everyone is study like crazy, for instance Kah Wai, Brian and Weng Kai. God bless Malaysia lah. Maybe sometime you guys will think I'm arrogant or something, but I'm just trying to cheer myself up. Learning and revising is fun with jokes. Special technique is required if you are revising a lame subject. For instance, play hit pen and think of a question for the loser to answer.

If you guys didn't know, there's a house selling for only $1 dollar in The Star newspaper today. But there's something you have to accomplish in order to get the home. It's a two-storey farmer house. Unbelievable? Believe it.

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