Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chapter 1 : The Fear

It was a fortnight when Dimitri went back home late at night. The time shows 12.01 a.m. when Dimitri took a look at the luxurious clock and he started to take a nap at his comfortable couch. He was a young man aging 21 this year. He worked as a IT programmer in Digital Arts. His apartment was near a cemetery, so the environment is very quiet no matter at night or even at evening. Dimitri's parents live at Canada, so he is living alone in his apartment. He was never to believe in ghost and spirits until tonight.

Dimitri woke up in all of sudden with a fear bearing in his mind. He was looking for the source of light to decrease his fear level. When he wanted to turn on the lights, he felt a sudden chill around his body. A indescribable chill, that makes you shake. He looked behind him and guess what he saw? He saw his refrigerator was opened. He exhaled his air out with this calmness and close the refrigerator. He looked back, wanting to turn on the lights. He saw a white-dressed with a black and long hair woman. He was so scared, he passed out immediately.

He woke up and look around, it's was just a dream...or maybe not..

The next day, he went out to meet his high school friends. His friends asked him to go to the Times Square before 1 p.m. When he reach Starbucks, he didn't saw any of his friends there so he went to toilet to do his business. When he reached the entrance, he was wondering why the men's toilet is at the right where as the women's is always at the right. He didn't gave a damn because he was quite in a hurry. He went in and start doing his business. Suddenly, he heard footsteps walking pass him. He didn't care and continued. Then, he felt the cool chill like what he felt this morning. He looked back and there was no one! He quickly zipped up and ran out. He went back to the Starbucks while taking his breath. His friends were there that time. " Dimitri! You're late by 15 minutes. Where have you been? I thought I called you to come before ONE! " said Jenna with a anger. " I'm sorry, I didn't see you guys here so I went to toilet. " said Dimitri in a low tone. " Never mind, since you said sorry. Let's have a seat. We didn't talk since last met in Kelly's house. " said Peter. There were five of them. Jenna, the violent one, Peter, the smart one, Kelly, the cheer one, David, the quiet one and Dimitri himself. In the middle of the conversation, Peter asked Dimitri to show him where is the toilet. " Dimitri, where is the toilet? Could you show me? " asked Peter. " Sure, sure. Let me bring you go. Excuse us, guys " said Dimitri while trying to stand up. " Do we look like guys? " said Kelly while smiling. Dimitri and Peter smile and went to the toilet. During the journey, Dimitri noticed that someone is following him. He ignored it and continued his walk with Peter. " There it is, Peter. I will be waiting outside " said Dimitri. " Thanks Dimitri " said Peter with a smile on face. Dimitri was surprised to see that the men's toilet was at the left but not the right! He was terrified and started to sweat. He now remembered that someone was following him. He looked back, he just saw crowds walking and shopping around the shops. Suddenly, he saw a woman with white dress and long black hair walked pass him at the corner. He was shocked and stunned. He looked for her at the corner but couldn’t find a trace of her. He’s sweating all over and his face was very pale. “ Dimitri, are you ok? You look so like you saw a ghost! “ said Peter while laughing. “ Er..No..I’m fine..Let’s go…” said Dimitri slowly.

Both of them went back to Starbucks and it’s almost time for them to go to watch “ Fast and Furious 4 “. They went to the cinema on second floor and bought some popcorns, hotdogs and nuggets. “ I think that we can go in already since many people is going in now. “ said David. They went in and grab a seat of theirs. Kelly sat on the first from the left and Dimitri sat at the end of them. Beside Dimitri was a empty seat but that is the only empty seat for the whole row. Dimitri was scared and wanted to change his seat with David. David refuses to because he wanted to sit beside Jenna. Dimitri can’t do anything but to remain on his seat. Then the movie begins. Throughout the 30 minutes, there are no sign of the mysterious woman yet. Suddenly, the air conditioner blows colder and colder. Dimitri didn’t care about it and continued watching his movie. Then…..he felt that someone is sitting beside him!

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