Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Clon's post

It doesn't seem better after the mid term past. Everyone are stressing for their papers as well. What I can say, what's pass is past, get over it! It's not like you cry and commit suicide would bring back your marks back or something. There's always a " Try again " button after you failed, like in video games! ( or maybe " Retry " haha) Although you may have the risk of dropping class but it doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. Enjoy new environment and new friends, but truthfully you will feel a little sad. From what I've felt last two years, it's indescribable. Throughout years in Form 2, I've felt regret for not studying well in Form 1. So I tried my best in the year end, and succeed :). What I want to say about today is, believe me (:. I'm not that kind of person but sometimes I am. I admit that I was, but not always. Everyone have that kind of feeling lies deep under. I'm glad that most of my results so far for me, is satisfied. I don't request for more, just at least 5 A's is enough. There's someone who I really feel like strangling. Maybe it's just luck for you, although I don't think that's true because most of YOUR result is the same standard. I should have know it. You're just acting over me. Do notice this is not who you think he/she is.

Anyway, off topic, this coming Saturday, parties at Brian's. Not confirmed, but quite sure of it. You can either come after the kursus, or you can go back and drop by later. I suggest girls bring something to play or fill up your time, but don't worry..many guys will accompany you girls. As for guys, there's no need to say for it. But, please, I want to GAMBLE! Can't lose it after last Chinese New Year. Shh.... Next, next Wednesday, Nicholas WILL book three ( 3 ) courts for six
( 6 ) hours at MPAJ court. The sum of money will be divided to the amount of people going, most probably around 10-15.

P.S. Remaked and ghost story is postponed until further notice XD! It's GAMING TIME! < my style, do things half and leave it there. Haha! That's all for today, enjoy your evening!

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