Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Clon's Post

I picked up the newspaper from our class yesterday. Well, it's more to stealing than picking it up I guess..since I didn't really asked permission or whatsoever. But, who cares? Nobody whining about it so far now. So the main page was "Exams May Go". It's quite of an interesting article I may say, somehow related to us or mostly to our juniors (your fellow younger sisters and brothers). Though some of you might knew this already, it seem that UPSR and PMR may be abolished after 11 years of education. Reason? To remove the pressure. FTW!

I've read thoroughly on the article. What it says may seem nothing but the truth. It mention that these exams, may have against their whole idea of education which is let US to learn, not just to score the exams (UPSR/PMR/SPM). I personally agree no better than others about this. Parents sent their children to tuition or personal teachers just to have a better grade in exams. This may seem to be one of the parent's responsibility but it's not. If you do aware of this, most of us DO attend to tuition. I'll say, 90%, no, 99% of us goes tuition each week. What's the purpose? Ask this question yourself and your parents. You might just find an answer to your heart. 

This is the reality of what happens now. I believe that most of the things we learn now, we WILL NOT use this knowledge in the future. Not at ALL, unless it's related to our career. 

On the other hand, there's a news about the jail located at Jalan Pudu there was demolished last night at 10. In case you don't know which, it's the jail when we came across every time we walk from Hang Tuah LRT station to Time Square. Yup! That's the one. Serving for almost 100 years, it was said that the prisoners was outnumbered and was moved to a jail in Sungai Buloh. Ever since then, the jail was emptied. It was in 1996 if I didn't remember it wrong. Such a historical  building I might say. :)

That's just about all. I should have posted this yesterday night but just couldn't find the mood to write it out. Might as well as count my time factor too. So, see ya 

P.S. Some of us goes to tuition to gain better understanding. Flamings are not recommended but are allowed :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Clon's Post - Tourney!

Today is the last day of school holiday, kind of wanting to go school. But I miss my morning sleep! I want to sleep until 10 :D. Short of sleep will make one sick...so I guess I have to sleep early..if I don't want to get sick.
I guess a number of people knew I went for a Sudden Attack tournament yesterday. It was the ASGF KL Qualifier. The event started in the morning around 9. It is open for registration (or for team to confirm their presence) around 8 and ended at 9.30. So the CC (HPPOT Online) was crowded in the morning around 9 and the environment was getting hotter and hotter! 

Everything was started smoothly, without any problem or whatsoever. I was behind 2 players (warming up etc) A and B. Suddenly one guy (C) which I know him from last tourney, came here and asked for A to 1v1 him. A was training with B and ignored C. C kept on asking him and A didn't reply. C was unsatisfied so he went to knock (push the head from behind to infront) the B's head. B didn't react anything but just kept playing the game. So D, one observer which I think is A and B's friend was beside C. So D said, "you don't act like this can or not". C was again unsatisfied so he called both of them go out of the CC, more or less threatening them to a fight. One of the audience said, "no need to go out, just sit and play your game". C came in, madly and started to hit D and B. Then B and D fought back. Seconds later, one of the staff (from Asiasoft) shouted and asked them to stop. Audiences hold all three of them as well. Marshals came to the scene (they were there actually just getting closer to the incident that happens) and asked him to go outside and have a talk. C said loudly that he will call people to come if they wants to fight. When several Marshal went out to talk with C, another Marshal said to us, don't worry. If anything happens we will call the cops. 

This whole incident was quite a shock to all of us, since I think it's the first time this happen in a tournament. And the funniest thing of all is, I WAS BESIDE THEM ALL ALONG! Lucky I'm smart enough to run when C taunted B. :D

So we lost to Lady.Asiasoft.MY (representing squad is TeamLZ.Esports) 8 to 6. 4 of them are ladies and one of them were guy. Althought we lost, but we consider we lost because we went there with a incomplete main team and did alot of mistakes. Not to mention, they were lucky as well!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Clon's Post

1 week had passed. It was rather quick don't you think? Another 1 week to go and we'll all back to school again. What makes me wonder of course is my results (which hopefully something similar to my last test). But I know, it's not possible

"So, what did you do this whole week of holiday?"

I suppose sitting infront of my computer is what I did the whole time during holiday. Somehow, even without elephant glue, I'm sticked to the chair and sit infront of my computer desk the whole day. All day long! I just can't find any better things to do (yet)! 

What more else? Oh yeah, the World Cup! First few matches aren't really interesting but I was waiting for Germany's match. Too bad I missed it? WTF! I thought it was tonight 10pm but it seem that it was this morning? I stayed up late until 2am today and I switch to Astro Arena (chnl 801), there was no matches there. So does the FWC1 (chnl 805) so I thought there were no matches and I went to sleep. Only a moment before I wrote this post, I googled FIFA and I saw Germany 4-0 Australia. WHAT THE HELL LA! ~.~

P.S I believe that Astro Arena will replay back the match :P, no worries!

One last thing, I was planning to go to Brian's house. But either he, or his schedules doesn't allow us to do so. He said that tomorrow (Tuesday), he won't be around from morning till night 10pm so I guess it's not possible for tomorrow. Might as well as the other days. This is because I was thinking of a BBQ party...maybe...Happy End-of-Holiday Party? =D
Any plans I will first notify you guys, if and only if you guys are going though.... 

Anyway, happy birthday to Hwei Teng. Sorry didn't go to your outing :D 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Clon's Post

Heh, boring outing huh isn't it? I felt slight guilty for calling the girls out because they are BORED. Remind me next time not to ask you guys out if there aren't any plans at all, kay? :D

The movie was, BAD. It's just full of epicness. Prince of Persia is better (at least PoP got leng lui see, just joking)! I We made a wrong choice! Sorry about the lunch time as well XD. I We made a wrong choice at there as well! The drinks @ the Kafe Rasa Utara barely satisfied my throat. Like that already RM3! Kns..

I think next time I want to go Bowling, this time I'm serious =D.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Girl who is burnt alive in her Myvi.

I guess that this news has been all over the country now (maybe on The Star tomorrow?) For those who had no idea of what I'm talking, it's about a girl who was driving a Myvi got hit by a Vios. The Vios is said to be believe hit the Myvi and spin a few times before hitting a vegetable lorry. She was entirely trapped inside the car and the engine seem to be sparking with flames (most probably, more or less it's going to burn the whole car). 

More detail on the story, (directly pasted)

This morning approx 3.20am, at Cheras Tmn Pertama roundabout, saw a freak accident, involving a Vios, Myvi and a Lorry. I'm one the first badge who arrive, mean it just happen maybe seconds ago. Vios believe to be turtle and badly damaged.
When I'm passing by the vios, rear passenger started to pull out the front driver and front passenger. Then when i pass the Myvi, the car was totally sardine. Heard one girl was yelling cos piined inside. I stop my car then run towards the myvi to offer a hand while calling 999 emergency line to request for ambulance and bomba.

then saw fire spark at the engine bay of myvi. while still on the phone with emergency line to provide more details, i run back to my car and drive to BHP station which is just less than 500m away from the scene.

then i request for the fire extingusher from the attendant which is kept inside. There was 4 extingusher on the ground. But the attendant refuse to pass to me.

the BHP attendant claimed dat the door cant be open.

then i shout at him, i need it! i want it! someone is pinned inside the car and its started to burn!

then the BHP attendant keep repeating he kenot borrow and open the door.

then i was like WTF! if ur kiosk is burning can u come out? then he replied yes.

then he still say he kenot open the door. Then he say his boss wont allowed to borrow. WTF!!!

then i started to amuk kicking the kiosk and punching the glass of the kiosk.

i even throw my IC to him say that if im dun return u report police.

i saw i borrow.. if i use it i will pay for it. then he keep on just smile at me.

then he ask another partner to come out. Then i start shouting and yelling at them with bad words saying dat if the girl dies you two are the murderer.

then the 2nd BHP attendant shout back at me.

i demand for their names, i told them i would complain bout them,

then the 2nd attendant copy down my number plate and said that all my acts been recorded on CCTV and he gonna report to police tumoro. I challenged him.

then i drove off back to the scene.. the car was totally burning and the poor girl was burn alive inside.

then i spoke to the Bomba and PDRM how many casualties was inside. they told me one girl.

Then i spoke to PDRM about the incident happen in BHP.. then the policemen also scold with anger WTF with them.. if i could get the fire extingushier.. the girl might be saved.

then the Policemen ask me to go police station to report a cover about the BHP, and he assured me that the stupid BHP wont get to report on me.

Personally i would like to ask, how much does 4 fire extingusher cost? isit more expensive than a life?

would like to ask the BHP petrol station's boss! u cant afford to lose 4 fire extingusher then u better closed down your station!!!! Fuck you boss!!!!

and this is to BHP MALAYSIA!! seens your procedure to keep all safety gadget inside the kiosk... if anything happen during refueling... is your attendant gonna open the door to help? seens he claimed that the door cant be open after hours??


i personally from now on will boycott BHP... i dont know how about you all!!!

gonna give BHP HQ a call tumoro... see what the fuck will they say about this kind of safety measurement they have!!!!!

for the two BHP attendant!!! you are the murderer!!!!!

So this is how it went. It is a sad story for all of us. Yeah, you must be blaming the attendants but it was their job protocol since many robbers are active at time past 12am. So, we can't really blame anyone since it was an accident. Personally, I felt that this incident will give a kind of awareness to others that speeding in somehow could lead to an incident as despicable as murder. If the Vios at first did not speed/crash, all these wouldn't happen right? Still, I'm not putting the blame on anyone since I'm just spreading the story so that people will get a picture of what's happening around us. 

This was the link I visited (link),  and the original author of the pasted data and THE first one to witness what happened  (link)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Clon's Post~

Ehh, this is something I noticed last week I guess. This movie "Despicable Me" which is some sort of 3D Animation cartoon or whatever you called it, has Taeyeon and Seohyun in it! This was picked from wikipedia,
"In May 2010, it was revealed that Taeyeon and her band mate Seohyun were cast as voice actors for the Korean dub of the 3D animation Despicable Me. Taeyeon will dub the character Margo, while Seohyun's role is Margo's younger sister Edith" (Link)
Another website I found by googling (thanks Google!) (Link) 

It seem that they are going to speak English, I think? If yes, that will be pure awesome :)! So kw, don't say I always jatuhkan your maruah only XD!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Clon's Post

3 more days to go~ 7 more papers to rock!

About today.. I still like Yuri. Sunny is just an "add-on" or whichever word(s) is suitable. Not obsess, not addict. Just felt comfortable when seeing them, or just awkward when Sunny do the CCP. XD

One thing I'm confuse, girls are even more addicted to SNSD than us. Like Lik Hui. "O_O" She go crazy UBER INSANE when we talk about them. Don't do that next time, if not people will think you are some freak came from Hospital Bahagia. 

Last thing, have you guys ever experienced this situation?
Someone: !#@&(*&^()#!@()#&@!()#&!@(don't know what they say).......CL.
Me: *Stares at them, look away after that thought that they were talking about chemistry*
Someone: #!709#!@(#()7903!@()##@...Cl..>#!@#&9#!
Me: *Stares again, longer this time. Look like an idiot. Nod upwards. Looks away again.*
Someone: Hahahhahahaha
Me: *CAN YOU STOP THAT!?!?!* =.=...
Someone: Keep on Cl all the way.

another situation,
Someone: She only remember Cl ..... #!)@(&#()!@
=.=....I'm not mad just a little zadou. But the important is, I like it! Except the she only remember Cl part. 

So it was "oppa, saranghae?"