Monday, June 14, 2010

Clon's Post

1 week had passed. It was rather quick don't you think? Another 1 week to go and we'll all back to school again. What makes me wonder of course is my results (which hopefully something similar to my last test). But I know, it's not possible

"So, what did you do this whole week of holiday?"

I suppose sitting infront of my computer is what I did the whole time during holiday. Somehow, even without elephant glue, I'm sticked to the chair and sit infront of my computer desk the whole day. All day long! I just can't find any better things to do (yet)! 

What more else? Oh yeah, the World Cup! First few matches aren't really interesting but I was waiting for Germany's match. Too bad I missed it? WTF! I thought it was tonight 10pm but it seem that it was this morning? I stayed up late until 2am today and I switch to Astro Arena (chnl 801), there was no matches there. So does the FWC1 (chnl 805) so I thought there were no matches and I went to sleep. Only a moment before I wrote this post, I googled FIFA and I saw Germany 4-0 Australia. WHAT THE HELL LA! ~.~

P.S I believe that Astro Arena will replay back the match :P, no worries!

One last thing, I was planning to go to Brian's house. But either he, or his schedules doesn't allow us to do so. He said that tomorrow (Tuesday), he won't be around from morning till night 10pm so I guess it's not possible for tomorrow. Might as well as the other days. This is because I was thinking of a BBQ party...maybe...Happy End-of-Holiday Party? =D
Any plans I will first notify you guys, if and only if you guys are going though.... 

Anyway, happy birthday to Hwei Teng. Sorry didn't go to your outing :D 

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