Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Clon's Post

I picked up the newspaper from our class yesterday. Well, it's more to stealing than picking it up I guess..since I didn't really asked permission or whatsoever. But, who cares? Nobody whining about it so far now. So the main page was "Exams May Go". It's quite of an interesting article I may say, somehow related to us or mostly to our juniors (your fellow younger sisters and brothers). Though some of you might knew this already, it seem that UPSR and PMR may be abolished after 11 years of education. Reason? To remove the pressure. FTW!

I've read thoroughly on the article. What it says may seem nothing but the truth. It mention that these exams, may have against their whole idea of education which is let US to learn, not just to score the exams (UPSR/PMR/SPM). I personally agree no better than others about this. Parents sent their children to tuition or personal teachers just to have a better grade in exams. This may seem to be one of the parent's responsibility but it's not. If you do aware of this, most of us DO attend to tuition. I'll say, 90%, no, 99% of us goes tuition each week. What's the purpose? Ask this question yourself and your parents. You might just find an answer to your heart. 

This is the reality of what happens now. I believe that most of the things we learn now, we WILL NOT use this knowledge in the future. Not at ALL, unless it's related to our career. 

On the other hand, there's a news about the jail located at Jalan Pudu there was demolished last night at 10. In case you don't know which, it's the jail when we came across every time we walk from Hang Tuah LRT station to Time Square. Yup! That's the one. Serving for almost 100 years, it was said that the prisoners was outnumbered and was moved to a jail in Sungai Buloh. Ever since then, the jail was emptied. It was in 1996 if I didn't remember it wrong. Such a historical  building I might say. :)

That's just about all. I should have posted this yesterday night but just couldn't find the mood to write it out. Might as well as count my time factor too. So, see ya 

P.S. Some of us goes to tuition to gain better understanding. Flamings are not recommended but are allowed :)

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