Sunday, June 20, 2010

Clon's Post - Tourney!

Today is the last day of school holiday, kind of wanting to go school. But I miss my morning sleep! I want to sleep until 10 :D. Short of sleep will make one I guess I have to sleep early..if I don't want to get sick.
I guess a number of people knew I went for a Sudden Attack tournament yesterday. It was the ASGF KL Qualifier. The event started in the morning around 9. It is open for registration (or for team to confirm their presence) around 8 and ended at 9.30. So the CC (HPPOT Online) was crowded in the morning around 9 and the environment was getting hotter and hotter! 

Everything was started smoothly, without any problem or whatsoever. I was behind 2 players (warming up etc) A and B. Suddenly one guy (C) which I know him from last tourney, came here and asked for A to 1v1 him. A was training with B and ignored C. C kept on asking him and A didn't reply. C was unsatisfied so he went to knock (push the head from behind to infront) the B's head. B didn't react anything but just kept playing the game. So D, one observer which I think is A and B's friend was beside C. So D said, "you don't act like this can or not". C was again unsatisfied so he called both of them go out of the CC, more or less threatening them to a fight. One of the audience said, "no need to go out, just sit and play your game". C came in, madly and started to hit D and B. Then B and D fought back. Seconds later, one of the staff (from Asiasoft) shouted and asked them to stop. Audiences hold all three of them as well. Marshals came to the scene (they were there actually just getting closer to the incident that happens) and asked him to go outside and have a talk. C said loudly that he will call people to come if they wants to fight. When several Marshal went out to talk with C, another Marshal said to us, don't worry. If anything happens we will call the cops. 

This whole incident was quite a shock to all of us, since I think it's the first time this happen in a tournament. And the funniest thing of all is, I WAS BESIDE THEM ALL ALONG! Lucky I'm smart enough to run when C taunted B. :D

So we lost to Lady.Asiasoft.MY (representing squad is TeamLZ.Esports) 8 to 6. 4 of them are ladies and one of them were guy. Althought we lost, but we consider we lost because we went there with a incomplete main team and did alot of mistakes. Not to mention, they were lucky as well!

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