Sunday, June 12, 2011


It's been a long time since my last post...isn't it? I guess most of you already stop following, haha! But never mind la. I will promote my blog again, hopefully to get average 90 unique visits per week again =/ but i was wondering how does the Argentina visitors know my blog...hmm....haha!.

Anyway, happy birthday Hwei Teng! Although this might be a little bit early but never mind la. Cw they all are gonna celebrate for you today...and the best thing is you don't  even know about it! Hahaha. Sorry if I didn't make myself present today, got few things need to settle. You know la, I'm a busy man. Not to mention I haven't even finish my homeworks. Arghhhh!

Oh ya, if you guys were wondering what I did this whole holiday, I guess the following picture describes it best. Well...not entirely. I went for some sports too. 

heres something you don't wanna miss...and this is definitely chun weng!!

this too. omg lipsticks xD

something to share. everything will be alright :)

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