Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dinner @ PJ

So we went to PJ just now for our celebrate Father's Day. Well...apparently it just went off like normal dinner. We dine at a Korean restaurant called Myong Bun (or something). Apparently my mom bought coupons at lower prices to eat at there. Typical mom right? I guessed so.

 this was the best dish...omg I wish I had more! The chicken is just so nice with the cabbages. Not to mention with the  Ddeokbokki!

this was the appetizer I guess. quite sour, I don't really like. LOL

the pepper weren't that first! XD

this was the nicest. if i were to eat again, i'll definitely order two of this!

kimchi soup. taste sour and spicy..and...cold?!

the dessert! taste nice too =)

It wasn't that expensive afterall. Total is just about RM87 w/o the coupon. With the coupon we only paid RM11. Oh and the RM11 was for the rice, for two bowl of rices for my dad and mom. OMG RM5.50 FOR ONE LOL! The service is great, the boss seems kind. She walked around to make sure we are comfortable and such. She even talked with the guest beside us which is korean, and they talk in korean, of course. 

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