Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kien Seng...!

Today...one weird and yet ANNOYING incident happened to me. As you can see from the title, it has something to do with Kien Seng. I'm so freaking annoyed just by thinking it back.

When I went to put back the buku pemantauan today, I saw King Loong ma. So I chat with him a bit, tell him to help me tell Jia Xin to say I'm not going home. Then suddenly got one malay girl (probably form 1? yellow tag) came and ask, you kien seng kan? I was like...no..I'm not. Then she keep on CONTINUOUS ASKING ME. I WAS LIKE I'M NOT KIEN SENG LA OMG LOL. Then in the end I had to show her my IC so that she will believe -_- ok this is first time. Like I kena tahan police. Then in the end she ask, you bukan kien seng? =.= Duhhhh omfg you lol. 

Can't believe hes more popular than me =P
now, this is kien seng!! ARGH!!

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