Saturday, April 19, 2014

Big things starts with a small step

Photo in credits to

Rome was not built in one day. 

Realise that success is not a tomorrow-due-assignment. 

Success is the end product of continuous small steps.

Success is not measured by wealth, reputation or status. 

Success is achievable by everyone, provided with continuous effort and dedication coupled with perseverance. 

Success requires sacrifices to be made.

Success is not without the presence of risk.

I am by no means a successful person but I am also pursuing the trails of success. Little things matter the most whether it is in relationship or in real life or in chasing success. You can touch a person's heart if you pay much detailed attention to them. Similarly, you are on your way to success if you take note of the little things that will bring you there.

Don't ask what success is because success has no real definition and it varies from one individual to another individual. Only you know what is your own success. You must dare to dream big and take the risk to be successful. Day dreaming plays a role too. 

Although the word success is already a meaningless cliche nowadays, it won't be once you realise what your target is. 

And oh, this reminds me of my MUET Section B essay. 

Only a short entry today. Mind is blank in the morning. 

This post only reflects my own opinion, and in a way to remind myself to do what I wrote in the posts. Shall you have opinion, be it concur to mine or not, do leave a comment. That way we' all learn!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the secrets tesla coil you shared on twitter nice eh :)