Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Exciting times

Negative aside (from last post), I am really exciting about getting this major national event that will be going on next semester. Somehow I was appointed (more like self-elected I guess) to be the program director. It is a lot for me to manage because there is a lot of people who has far more experience and capabilities than me. I have to keep up with everyone and manage properly if I want this program to run smoothly. Many bigshots are involved and I seriously do not want to fuck this up. 

There are six months to go from now and I have not even get approval from the university to get this started. Mid semester tests are scheduling itself to hit me hard, especially Applied Thermodynamics. That will be the most killing subject of all and its next Friday. I really hope that I can cope well with that subject. 

Did I mention that this Sunday I will be having my convocation for my diploma studies? Even more things going on. But at least it will be a fun day to take all the stress off for a while. I have been in stress for a few days now. There will be times where I feel like I have an infinite number of things to do and I need to do it immediately but I do not know where to start. The national program took a huge chunk of my brain and time. I would begin doing all my assignments and home works as soon as possible. Somehow it felt like the scarcer amount of time I have, the more efficient I become. I just wish I didn't miss anything......

Gambatteh kudasai mina-san (including myself)!

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