Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What I dislike most

There are a lot of things that I can go along pretty well, but not this. I hate it when people are making me late for something. I like to be punctual. I seriously like to be punctual. I will want to go to certain event 15-30 minutes earlier than what it should be. Especially big events. And classes too, I like to be early if not on time. Punctuality means more to me than anything, and being on schedule! Therefore when someone is somehow dragging me behind I can get really pissed off to the point I will be on the verge of exploding. 

I think there is something that I need to correct. I cannot be submissive all the time, I need to fucking voice it out. Someone is really gonna get hit hard from me if I did that. I'm scared that I will be Hulk and literally destroying friendships all the way. 

Why can't people just be more proactive and punctual? If you wanna be laid back and chill, by all means please do but only do it when it affects yourself and not others. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. 

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