Thursday, October 29, 2015

Life after test

Just finished all of my mid semester tests, it was still OK. I wouldn't say I did well in all, but I definitely did my best in all of them. It just seemed to me that it does not really hit me that hard knowing that I will not score high marks in all of them. Don't take me wrongly, I am not saying that I purposely did bad. It's just that it indicates room for improvement and that my understanding is insufficient. Need more to work on. I think it feels better as compared to last time where I would think about it over and over again and became frustrated with the mistakes I made. 

Coming into degree life, grades seem to be a lesser concern as compared to when I was in diploma. I came into light that CGPA does not play a big role in securing a job anymore nor it indicates a high level of wisdom directly. Wisdom is different from intellect. One who is wise is intellect, but one who is intellect may not be wise. They are sort of the same like breathing and respiration. Besides, scoring a high CGPA is kinda easy if you know the ways.

Back to me, since mid semester tests are over all that I will do now is go to classes, finish up the assignments and wait for my mid semester break! I can't wait to get some holiday, though this time going back would make me felt slightly gray. Three of my friends had gone to UK. Things aren't the same anymore. Well.... gotta move on anyway.

Next Tuesday will be our first official meeting with the committee for the national event. I try to make it an unorthodox one, so that everyone could enjoy a little bit of fun with differences. I hope that it will turn up well and everybody can work together in a team. I am still learning on how to manage people now. Lots to learn, my young self. 

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