Thursday, September 17, 2009

Clon's Post

A good job compliments to everyone, especially the ones having exam last week. Day by day past swiftly without hesitation, second by second past as we speaking. It's another 20 days officially before PMR. Basically, those who really want to get a full A for it really have to work it out real hard ( see how many real in this sentence? ). Nothing come free without working for it. What I like to say in forums. Myself doesn't really like to study, I rather do some "practical" thingy. Just being myself, far away from being a bookworm. Well as least until the PMR is over.

Back to business, this morning when I came to school, walked up stairs my sister suddenly say " Why like no people one? " cause Block C first floor classes all lights were off. I say, no electric gua. Moving on our seperate ways, when I passed by Bilik Disiplin I saw crowds there. Not surprise to me it's gonna be another assembly. I called Lum, he didn't heard me. I called Lik Hui, she didn't saw me. Oh well let's fuck up. Reached the classroom, saw Nicholas. He told me the assembly was about Hari Raya. I know that you going to Raya but don't pick it a BAD time like this. Most of us like last minute studying which kinda the trend now. After the announcements and all those kind of thing, Cikgu Rosnie in all of sudden say what minta maaf and salam. I was kinda surprise but soon after not. Worse thing is, we are the last. Luckily the exam was postponed 40 minutes. Pengetua say, 3 wawasan semua 7A 8A, and I say Yaya, takda 6A semua 7A. So, ladies and gentlemen, work hard =).

Now let's talk about Science paper 2.. It was quite funny when Pn. Siti Marziah came in our class. I signal teacher say Brian got bring phone on his left pocket. She show me two hands close her both eyes . O_O. Then I call Brian borrow me his iPhone, I call him throw. Then Pn. Siti Marziah keep block us go back go front. Then I don't want lor. Just joking to Brian anyway. When it's Azly period, she go and scold Azly for being so late hahaha! It happened last Tuesday too.

Well, seem pretty too long this post had gone. Might one or two of you don't really care bout what I wrote. But what the hell, I'm writing my post who cares. As long as got viewers I'm appreciating it!

Below is a video from my house area. Fireworks =) You can only start seeing it around 0.20 to 0.30. Last time I took a few pictures in front of my house, what they did but my memory card suddenly corrupted need reformat. Anyway, enjoy!

A leader will never be wise unless he had what it takes to be one...

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