Sunday, September 27, 2009

Clon's Post

Hi everyone. As you can see since you clicked my blog, my blog skin has changed to the noobie one. The real reason behind this act is actually not really a reason. I just change it for fun. It doesn't really relevant since you all are actually enjoying my post, not the view of my blog. Approximately 10 days till we face our PMR. Not surprising that everyone is studying their heads out. Staying up late to study, waking up early to read book. Spending countless time even during eating time looking at the book. For me, you know me. I don't study much till the very last minute. Maybe. Perhaps. Not really. I still study a little just now. Thinking what to do when it's the last day before PMR. Perhaps study like crazy? Not my style. Just some tips bah, see whether you guys wanna follow or not. One or two days before exam, the best thing to do is relax. But don't relax TOO much. Revise a little. Rest your mind. Don't make it stress and you're ready to go on second day. Or you can choose the shitty way but also the quite effective way.

By the way, last two week's Thursday. When I finished my tuition lesson and got onto my father's car. I saw an incredible "phenomena" on my front window..

Amazing? I don't know what it is. But I captured it quickly with my phone.
It's the same one but from different angle so it's shorter.

The first picture looks like a penis. The second one looks like a penis with two balls! LOL!

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