Friday, September 18, 2009

Clon's Post

So how was your day? Guess everyone slept peacefully this morning without having to wake up @ 6 a.m. For me I did, twice. At first was at 6.05 where my alarm usually set off everyday. Forgot to turn it off last night. I thought I offed it after it rang but after 8 minutes, it rang again. I was pissed off. I close it again and slept on it ( the alarm was my phone ). Woke up 5 past 9. First thing I'm gonna do is open my computer. Play play play, until almost 11 my father asked if I want to eat anything or not. I said later. Soon after, I heard my sister said that my auntie ( my father's side sister ) had an accident. I was surprised. Now, my mother says she already sent to ICU. Pretty serious cause my aunt having a coma. Just hope she's alright.

On the other hand, I won't be around this saturday and sunday. I'm going to PD. Finally after 7-8 years without vacation. Going to pack things up. Underwear, shirts, pants, shoes and my HAWAII PANTS! =)

That's all for today, see ya ~

You decide fate, not fate decide you.

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