Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clon's Post - 2012 D:

Cool movie. All I could say. A lot computer animation, well they should have it to make such big movie. I sat and watched the movie till my butt numb. Let me explain a little about this movie. It's a good movie afterall just that it falls on 21st December ( according to Mayan's calendar ). I believe there are a lot of people having the same birthday with me and not so happy with it.

Is 2012 possible to happen?
I would say no. Yes there will be a "change" happening in 2012 but not so " kua jiong " like the movie.

What would really happen then?
Ask the scientist. Something about the magnetic field will change.

Like a lot of comments I've seen in other blogs, websites and in IMDB. It is truly a sad movie yet happen to awake humans. Cheers to Mr. Helmsley! He was the one who make us remember, what and why are we fighting for. Humanity? What if you happen to be outside of the ship? What would you feel? 1 billion Euro? Is that any normal family could afford? I believe that they SHOULD use all the resources available to save as many people as possible. I truly believe government from all over the country is doing something about it.

Have fun while you still CAN!
Do what you want to do, there isn't much TIME!
Say things you wanted to say!

and hopefully

things won't go any worse.



By the way, here is Bunkface - Through the Windows ( TM ads )

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