Friday, November 13, 2009

Clon's Post

Paiseh eh, long time no write blog. Not really free these days, "so-called". Everyday doing my same chores, wake up, open computer, open maple and start train. Play, eat and sleep. That's my life after PMR, pretty amusing huh. I intend to go on some activity soon, badminton perhaps. See whether got people want to book or might as well as I'm booking.

Tomorrow I'm off to SKTM for PBSM duty, as always. Never been better than dutying at there. Free food, sit back and enjoy. Kinda bored too, so bring some story books, comics and something for you to kill time there while waiting people to get injured! In the same time, on 2pm-4pm there's a 2x EXP event in Maple. Hope I could make it XD. In case you haven't notice, I play Maple to kill time too.

By the way, anyone remember the nuffnang cheque? I just bank in the RM56.50 into my account, well specifically my mom did it. Find one day we all go out to Mamak King and yumcha.

Back to the day, today was a little different from the other normal days. We had our Moral club jamuan @ Pizza Hut. Pretty interesting too. Saw some "leng lui" at there. Laugh a whole lot out while chatting with joe, kw and cheok. Fact is, WE CAN'T STOP TALKING!!! Saliva fly here fly there until all over the table. I talk to cheok, joe interupt. Thing like this also can joke . Wahlaooowehh <<>

That's all for today, keep ya' steady all the time.

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