Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Clon's Post - Interesting day! "I suppose"

I've been sitting in the hall for about 4 hours, most likely? From 8.00 to 10.25 and from 11 to 12.55. You do the maths. Pretty interesting lecturer I say. For those who don't know what just happened, let me tell you. This morning, we was called to the hall ( dewan ) to hear some shit which we thought it would be shit but in the end, turned out to be even deep shit. It was the so-called "Easy Add-Maths". HAR! We was kinda forced to go there because according to my intels, 5Sc2 students only a few so they called 4Sc1 and 4Sc2. It's a good thing! We could actually skip class!! 

So back to where we left out. The lecturer was kind of humourous and also, sporting I guess. If I'm not wrong, last time when we was Form 3 they had one guy came to our school as well. "Easy Maths". Same concept of teaching which is criticizing the girls and help the guys. His purpose was to keep things interesting so that we don't get bored and to laugh our assES off. Nonetheless, we did learn something today. Not a waste of time!! But the one that I'm gonna apply in my exams are just the inverse fengshui ( function ) and some of the logs. The factorization is quite good as well but a little confusing and slow. Might as well as use a calculator!

Other than his perverted and disgusting jokes, throughout the process it was hell lots' of fun! Looking forward for his next lecture! 

That's all for now. Hope to see you in about a week time before I post something again. It's gonna be a tough week for me. Gimme a BREAK la!!

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