Saturday, April 17, 2010

Clon's Post - The relieving holidays.

Just a blink of an eye and it's already Saturday (the time I wrote this now is 1.10AM). Nothing better than a sleep which satisfy me. Usually during school days, I would just sleep for around 6-8hours maximum and I still don't get enough of it. One time, I came up with this idea of turning off my alarm. If someone wakes up naturally, they will feel even more energetic than being woke up by a stupid idiotic alarm. But, that's just a personal view of mine. To those who can't live without their alarms, be my guest. Still, alarms have their own ways of usage other than waking up you in the morning to bath and go school. 

Talking about homeworks, it's hell of an Everest I suppose. But these homeworks came across my mind just after I saw Tsu Ann's blog referring to her homeworks. Yeah, indirectly you stressed me to do my homeworks and leave my favourite activities behind. Just the few homeworks from school AND tuition can make you go fly.

Just before I forgot, welcome back to school Tzu Yee! Spending a week in hospital is once in a life experience (I'm actually praying that you won't go back to hospital again! LOL!). Maybe it sounds fun, having nurses to take care of you. Foods on delivery. Air-conds. Stinky beds with countless of patients slept before. Perhaps, ghosts? How did the word suddenly came up? I don't know, I just suddenly felt like writing it out. XD. Anyway, let's open up our arms and give her a warm hug to welcome her back to school (imagination only, no action required)

One more thing, anyone wants to go to PC Fair this Sunday? :) If got like 5 or 6 OR even more people go, we only go ba. If not only 2 or 4 people, just can't find the "fire" to go. =P

Night now, sleep tight. Don't bersikap curi-curi xD

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