Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Malaysia Immigration Department. Their Efficiency, Thumbs "Up"

This morning, I suppose everyone know where I went. I went to renew my passport, or in a unmannered way to say, I ponteng-ed. It's not what I want though my mother forced me to ponteng. XD. Anyway, back to topic. This morning woke up at 6.10. Bath & get dress up. Bertolak @ 6.45+-.  Reach the Malaysia Immigration Department ( Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Cawangan Wangsa Maju ). Everything seem smooth. We go fill up the forms, etc etc etc. Take number. The number was 1021,1022 and 1023 respectively for my mother, my sister and myself. We went to eat when the number is somewhere 1014. Came back in about 20minutes. Our number already pass. So have to take number again. Now this time, it's 1051, 1052 and 1053 where the number now is somewhere 1032. Waste of time.

Doesn't matter. When it's our turn, we went to the counter 1 by 1 then do the procedures some shit. After that, pay up to the juruwang. Everything seem done. I went out to one shop to buy some Fisherman's Friend. Came back, just when I walk into the seats. The electric suddenly stop. Whole room dark dark but still got a little bit of light from outside. I'm a "lucky" star? XD. So that time was around 9.00 a.m. Wait until like 9.56 only got electric back. Everyone was like Woooooo~ After 10 minutes, WTF NO ELECTRIC AGAIN!!! Everyone was like Awwww again. =.=

Fine, I wait until like 10.25 then got electric back. I promised myself one more time no electric I confirm fck off from there. But luckily, it did not. Everything back on EXCEPT THE COMPUTER ( specifically the system ). One of the staff said that you may come back tomorrow to get your passport, note that my passport along with my sister's and my mother's is on their hands because they need to check it or something had to do with it. So, a guy took a video of the staff talking O_O. Perhaps he's going to post to facebook? or youtube? Don't care! Then he said " System kami down. One Malaysia Imigresen Passport down. " So I was really like =.=" whole Malaysia? Are you kidding me? Then we straight go back. Damn waste time le. Should have finished around 9 something and got back to school before rehat time. 2 hours wasted like that =.=...
Pictures: From down to top, please. 

At last, got electric back but the computer system is down pulak =.=

No staff

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