Friday, January 1, 2010

Clon's Post - Celebration of New Year!

Last night, we ( Me, Cheok Ming, Weng Kai, Lik Hui, Kha Joe, Lum, Lum sis, Kah Wai , Siew and Siew bro ) went to An's house for BBQ! But before that, I went to fetch Weng Kai and Cheok Ming ( both of them came to my house first ). My father fetch us go Love's Bakery first to buy cake for Lik Hui. Cost me RM23 -.-". I was thinking of using the newspaper I brought to cover the cake with the plastic bag. Then when I want to ask for plastic bag, I saw " SORRY NO EXTRA PLASTIC BAGS. SAVE MOTHER EARTH! ". I was like, zadou! How am I gonna give a surprise? Ah, what the hell. Just "see step walk step". After that fetch Lik Hui and went to An's house. It was a miracle we start the bbq in just around 30 minutes! Last time at Tsu Ann house took about 3 hours? LOL!

After the feast, some of us clean up the mess and SOME people just kept playing sudden attack -.-. After cleaning up, TEEHEE!! Here's the best part having party! GAMBLE!! The bet was 10 cent at first and suddenly went to 50 cent and RM2 ( joe ). In the end, lost Rm6 to joe and some debts I didn't collect. I still haven't pay him, lol! That's why, when you got the luck and winning money, you must run! If not you will lose money.

Time almost reach 11.30 and we getting ready to go to the park there. When we almost reach there, we can see a lot of cars and crowds there. No more good spot for us :( But we manage to find a average spot there. * Not gonna describe the fireworks details here, see STAR newspaper *. After that went back to An's house. Ate the cake and went back. It was a pretty exhausting yet fun day. Looking forward for another one!

Photos :

The cake...I think it's chocolate coffee?
The view. They haven't started the fireworks. I refused to take pictures because it was too DARK!

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