Sunday, January 31, 2010

Clon's Post

When was my last post? Oh, it was on 20th... XD

Didn't know my blog was not updated for so long. I don't really have any spare times now. Tuitions, curriculum activities and homeworks. Yeah, this year is tough. Sometimes it just getting my pissed off and wanted to shout out loud or punch someone in the face to release my tensions. It is getting off my nerves. Hm, perhaps I really have to control my anger properly and make use of it. If not somebody's gonna get hurt real bad..

Yesterday, or I should say the day before. Our friend, Yee Yan ( or called Yan Yee by Majmiza) changed from SMKTS to SBU. It was quite sudden because the day I know she is going to SBU, its already the last day! Haiz, things were just so complicated that day. I know its a little too late to say this but, GOOD LUCK YEE YAN!!

That's all for today. I'm reporting LIVE from MY house at 1.05AM 31st of January. It's the end of this month!! Yippe! 9 more months to go!

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