Monday, January 4, 2010

Clon's Post - First day of School!

Well, guess everyone had a great time today. Streaming classes! Perhaps not so happy for those who are not well streamed. Hey! Guess what? First day of school and I'm almost late! Thanks to the contribution of Yeong Yee Siong for waking up late. Super jam at Pandan Mewah street. I was like omfg~ It's already 7.28! If I'm late I'm gonna chop you 99 pieces! At last reached school. Saw everyone was climbing stairs. I thought I was still early but when I saw crowds sitting in the canteen, I knew I was late =.=". Consider myself in time because the streaming haven't started.

So here it goes, we( 4Sc1 and 4Sc2 ) were placed in Block D. Yippe! Far far away from the "city". We have to walk far too -.-". The class has insufficient tables and chairs for all of us to sit. FOURTY NINE students! Yeah, you did not SAW IT WRONG! 49 STUDENTS ( 1 transferred! KEI MAY T.T! ). Encik/Cikgu/Mister/Sir Asyraf was our form teacher. KAH WAI is our class monitor! =D Good job, good job! Before recess ( or is it after, I kinda forgot ), we the gagah perkasa serta "yin jun siu sa" lifted tables from the end of our school to our class. Yeah it was hell! My left arms were shaking after I lift two of those up and down the school. Maybe I didn't work out for a long long long time. I consider it some motivations from my long holiday..haha!

Enough about school, here's something from tuition. Physics! Never thought it was quite easy * UNDERSTANDING * At least, I can feel it's easier than Biology, Chemistry and Add Maths. Mr. Lee Cheng Xi ( LCX ) taught us "shortcuts". It surely is quite simple once "shorcutted". Okay, got to go now. I'm so freaking tired and not-so-ready for tomorrow's schooling. See ya tomorrow!

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