Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Clon's Post - Third day of school!

Nothing surprise. Today I woke up late!! 7am only woke up ( specifically 6.54 ). I'm late to pick up the other girl who I fetch. Her mum came by my front door and say she's gonna fetch her daughter. Went out approximately 7.18 am! Thing's went up supersonic when you are rushing for school. Well, today we have an assembly. It took around 1 hour and 30 minutes to end ( 7.30 till 9.00 ). Speeches, prizes for straight A's ( I guess we should be proud of it, right? It's our hardwork afterall ). Our BM teacher has a hell sense of humour!! Especially when she describe her old students who kept using her name to "bina ayat". She goes like " Pn. Salina berperang di Bukit Kepong dan mati di sana ". I was like laughing out loud! I guess the student wrote that must be rofl-ing in the examination hall when writing this! Haha! After that was moral. Pabil speeched throughout the one hour. He describe H E B A T to us and few other encouraging sentences. Next was English! Pn. Latifah has a great sense of humour too, but not as funny as Pn. Salina! Maybe next time, she can do better! You WON'T GO ANYWHERE if you have these kind of teachers! I'm so grateful!

Finished my " Papa " this afternoon. It was astonishing at first, a little funny in the middle and a little bit lame at the back. So fast die? You want to end the story so fast? I was like you drag the story so long in the middle but in the end, the mother woke up and died only 2 pages? Gimme a break. I think the front and middle are the best parts overall. Not to give any speculations indirectly but this is what I could think of after reading the whole story. I could say it's totally DIFFERENT than other novels ( Panas Salju , Pahlawan Pasik Salak and Meniti Kaca ). If you haven't read it, give it a try. Read 50 pages, and you won't want to let go of the book! You want to know what's happening next! TRUST ME!

So, I had my Chemistry class by Lee Cheng Min ( LCM ) just now ( 5pm to 7pm ). I figured out that he's being a little serious than last year. Maybe he thinks that this year we need to focus more and not playing around OR he's just trying to give a good impression to the new students. Who knows? I'm not God or witch. Well, I'm unlike TSU ANN! He taught us Chapter 3 about the equations and so on. It was a little hard at first, but I think I can do it if a little bit of effort is given. Nothing can be achieved without efforts! I CAN DO IT and so do you!

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