Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Clon's Post

Ah, I thought today was a happy day but end up being a depressing one. Things just won't go the ways we thought it would, right? Maybe God wanted to give us something even better by letting go the old one, just to make ourself feel guilty. Perhaps...

Few days ago my friend, Chloe or aka Ho Yan gave me a website. It was terrifying AWESOME!! It says about my life path or something like that, my behavior and so on. I like a couple of the sentence because it totally describes me. Let me quote a few one.

"Many writers, poets, actors and musicians are born under the 3 Life Path."

"Thanks to your gift for self expression, you can be the life of the party, and the center of attention. However, you could easily squander your talent by becoming a social butterfly."

"You are optimistic and possess the resilience to overcome many setbacks."

"You are socially active, popular, and inspire people with your sunny "happy go lucky" attitude."

"Many people born under the 3 Life Path have difficulty handling money because they can be disorganized and not particularly serious about their responsibilities."

"You are emotional and vulnerable. When hurt, you withdraw into a cloud of silence, eventually emerging from your reticence with jokes and laughter that cover up your true feelings."

" You can succumb to sarcastic remarks, which can be painful to those around you. When used positively, your talent for self expression can be a great inspiration force in the world, uplifting others, and bringing much success and happiness to you."

You can find the original website at here

This few caught my eyes straight and somehow my heart too. I was asking myself, was this guy spying on me? LOL! Anyway, I had two pictures to post. Both are the pictures of my sprained legs last week. Enjoy yourself!* If you can *

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