Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have you ever..

Have you ever goes back to your iTunes Music Library and listen back your old songs? If you did what are your feelings? Feel familiar right? 

That is what I did just now. I opened iTunes and see around. I was surprised the "Music" tab was there XD (if you have iTunes, you get what I mean)  So I go and click it. Play one of my songs. When I first hear it (All about you - McFly) I suddenly though of Tzu Yee, seriously! The song I downloaded back in....2010. It was a great song actually, and if you noticed its the Invincible Youth ending song, every episode! 

So now, I went through the list of musics. Now, 21 Guns - Green Day! What it reminded me..Ahh! I remember my times last year playing SA with my bunch of mates. I was skyping that time listening to this song. The person who sang this song while skyping is none other than - Matthias Lee! His voice sounds so bad you wish you does not know what a voice was! Let's not recall the bad memories again...21 Guns end already! 

Now, Ru Guo Ni Hai Ai wo -  Guang Liang! Ahh. I remember. This song Lik Hui called me to download via Limewire that time. I think two or three years ago. That long it has been, huh! Oh well, I'm skipping this! 

Oh yeah, Replay - IYAZ. It reminded me of SAing with skyping again =.=" cause seriously, I do like to open music while killing people (no I'm not a maniac) AND not to mention..Matthias Lee also did sang this...in the skype. He's a sound polluter, seriously. 

Ahhh...James Blunt! YEAH, You're Beautiful! What could be better than this song (English lar, korean lain pulak cerita XD). Yeahhh, you're beautiful it's true! This song means a lot to me. I used to sing this song (alone) back then when the kpoppy virus haven't spread to me. Nice song!

Last song, before you get bored of reading this post. Whatcha' say - Jason Derulo. This song AGAIN. ALWAYS SANG BY MATTHIAS LEE AND THIS WAS THE WORST SONG HE COULD EVER SING!!! =.=" It's the same as Replay and 21 Guns. Play SA while skyping and listening to this song. 

Do you want me to link the songs above? Nah...I do''t think I need. You want listen you do the job yourself! So what I say in the next sentence you shall ignore it! ha ha!

Alright I did! Oh...have you missed out something? ;P

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