Saturday, January 15, 2011

McDonalds Prosperity Night 2011

I was pretty late to post this, but late is better than never! So on 11 of January 2011, my friends and I went to McDonalds Pandan Mewah for the Prosperity Night event. Only the invited ones are able to go inside, the one not invited will be told to leave. Feels like a VIP haha!

My sis, Cheok Ming and I went around 7.45 and by the time we reached there weren't much people. 

the registration port

notice that the entrance is closed

We settled down, done registration and so on. But there were no signs of the Prosperity Burgers yet (yeah, I was PRETTY hungry back then) 

didn't know she was that kind with the fellow crews from other outlets

now..which one is me...?!

the most talked scandal partners
P.S did I mention the guy in the photo has fabulous muscles? No? He works out!

representative from Sunbeam. Thanks for the..choir? XD

Before I proceed with the another photos, have you EVER entered McDonalds and view the interiors? No? What a lucky fella you are!

the fellow mothers and fathers were briefed before going in

no, there's no difference if you see it from the inside, indi jones's wife

you're doing great at posing sir! 

he look like hes constipating


the place was built for maximum 3 peoples horizontally, sorry if you can't fit ya!

There's a performance by the crews of McDonalds too. They performed none other than the hitz song, Nobody by Wonder Girls! If you want to see their performance, just go to this link here!

Last but not least, the manager oppas and noonas photo. *Did I use it correctly? XD*

Kak Iera, Kak Ain, Bang Khai, Kak Lida (BIG BOSS xP), Abang Rahami, Bang Bob, Kak Marziah and Kak Pal.

The reason why I bolded Abang Rahami's name is because he was the hero that night. That night, after all the guest went back at around 10, one crew went mad. I think it's because another crew go and usik him. Then he go rage and seem like he kena rasuk. Seriously! If we took the video of him you will be shocked. He screamed, and wanted to beat the other crew (I think its the one who usik him) but luckily Abang Rahami was there to hold him. Remember I said that he works out and has fabulous muscles? This time, he put a use to it! He one man solo held him with both of his arms, that kena rasuk crew couldn't even budge! Then Abang Rahami read some kind of doa loudly beside his ears to calm him down (magically it worked, for a while after he stopped reading). Abang Rahami kept on calling him to sabar and sabar then when he finally settled down a little, Abang Rahami took him for a walk at the car park there. Then suddenly he go main kung fu. Lei Siu Long pun keluar. Seriously!! Then some more got silat (according to some people la, but I didn't saw). After that he also like walk around and finally came back to his senses and left. Then after like a few minutes, police came. I think it's because one of the manager called 999. They explained what happen and then the police left after a while (No, without getting free drinks and foods HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA) After that my mom and dad also came, and I went back.

Such a delightful night I would say. Thanks for everything!

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